
Hello and welcome to my blog “palmtrees and sunshine”!

I’m Sabrina, 22 years old and from Germany. I’m currently studying media communication and journalism in beautiful city Cologne. Since I was young, I always wanted to have my own blog, so here it is: palmtrees and sunshine.
Here I combine two of my greatest passions: traveling and a conscious lifestyle.
You’ll find tips about destinations and travel diaries as well as tips how to live a more conscious lifestyle.

I’ve always loved to travel but the real wanderlust has grabbed me after I finished high school and went overseas for the first time to my dream location Los Angeles. Since then I’ve explored more parts of California and a large part large part of European cities. I travel whenever I can, always love to explore and make new memories. Traveling has become a part of my lifestyle and I couldn’t live without it anymore. I guess I’m just a too curious person. I also love learn new languages, that’s why this will also be a small topic of my blog.

For the love of animals and our planet I’m vegan now for a couple of years and it feels good to make a small positive impact in our world. Moreover, a conscious lifestyle is close to my heart, so whenever possible I try to   contribute in a positive way: either if it’s using less plastic, carrying my reusable cup or using public transport instead of a car  – every small step counts. 

When my vegetarian journey started, my spiritual journey started as well. I got deeper into yoga and meditation and eventually learned about the Law of Attraction. Since then I’ve been on a constant journey of self-development, finding my purpose in life, getting into spiritual practices, connecting to nature and discovering the power of our thoughts. I’m always blown away of how much we are actual capable of and that there are many things/phenomenon we don’t know about and have to be explored.
I write about topics like using crystals, moon rituals as well as mindfulness and using affirmations. I’m sharing spiritual insights here on my blog and share own experiences and ways to improve our life by the power of thought.

Alongside my spiritual journey, I’ve come across with personal development, getting to know myself better and fining out my values. I figured out that freedom, creativity and human connections are my highest values and that’s why I would not be happy in a regular 9-5 job. I found about the concept of lifestyle design, being a digital nomad and working location independently. There are no limits to my creativity and I need to be responsible for own projects. So you’ll also find topics like self-employment, motivation and living a self-determined life on my blog, too.

Dip into my free-spirited, unconventional and motivating space full of positivity.

Why “palmtrees and sunshine”?

I’ve racked my brain for such a long time to find that “perfect” name.
One day – out of nowhere – I came up with palmtrees and sunshine and I think it couldn’t be more suitable for me.
I’ve always loved summer and it’s by far my favorite season. Whenever I see palm trees, I’m happy. They just remind me of happy moments, freedom, travels and the joy of life. Combined with sunshine, it’s just the perfect recipe to make me happy. I love light, sunshine and feeling the warmth of the sun. It immediately brightens up my mood and I even feel a deeper level of gratitude.
So give me palm trees and sunshine and I’m happy. 

Love, Sabrina


